Many of us have heard the terms: Second heaven agenda. Beast system. Alternate timelines. But what do these topics have to do with our everyday lives and even our future generations?
Today, inspired by posts and interviews by Veronica Swift and countless others, I want to highlight an evil scheme that is attempting to bind you and your children to Satan’s plans. If you agree or do not intentionally counter this scheme, you and your descendants may find yourselves struggling to attain and carry out God’s plan for your lives.
Besides the terms that I mentioned above, most people—I hope—have heard the term: trans agenda. This agenda refers to the abandonment of biology’s importance when it comes to our image-bearing identity and gender, for the Bible says that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God, as male and female (Gen. 1:26- 27). In addition, the trans agenda includes transhumanism: the efforts to alter our humanness creating Human 2.0, embedding technologies into our anatomy to open the door to endless intellectual and sensory possibilities, eradicating disorder or “curing” diseases through DNA modification, utilizing virtual realities to enhance our living experience, and continuing the development of the Nazi super soldier.
In 1937, Pervitin was patented in Nazi Germany, a methamphetamine-based drug that enhances physical performance and helps resist fatigue. It is said to have played a crucial role in German victory in the invasion of France, as drugged soldiers marched through perilously exhausting terrain for two days without sleep and broke through French defenses (Cooke, 2018).The drug became so much of a threat that factories producing it had to be bombed by the Allies (McCarthy, 2018). Essentially, those Nazi invaders were early prototypes of super-soldiers.
The writer of this article, Beyond Human: Rise of the Super-Soldiers – A Primer by Nilanthan Niruthan, stated earlier in the article:
Imagine soldiers who can leap over buildings, communicate telepathically, regenerate wounds instantly and require no sleep. While this would have fit within the comforting realm of science fiction before the 21st century, such capabilities are well on their way to reality. Militaries around the world today are working on technology that enhances the biological capacity of the human soldier (Hanlon, 2018). This study will provide a look into some of the major enhancement methods currently pursued by States.
Biotechnology is one head of the trans-Beast. (Incidentally, I found out that a popular and elite public institution, the University of Virginia, is building a new biotechnology laboratory for bioinnovation or “next generation medicine”. Footing the initial bill of $100 million is a longtime investor in the pharmaceutical industry). Hmmm
Another smaller and more subtle head of the Beast is family genealogies. In an interview on Testimony Mountain, Veronica discussed the Jesus Strand, a diabolical and common occult belief that Jesus had children by Mary Magdalene, and therefore some human beings living today carry Divine DNA. A previous interview on the same show, delved into the insertions of mythic figures like Odin and Thor, demi-gods and perhaps “deified” humans, as well as historic royals into genealogies on a popular research website, called Family Search. Brotherhood lineages, in particular, include these bizarre names.
According to a recent documentary that aired on The History Channel, The Druze of the Levant are acknowledged on an official level to be true descendants of Jesus Christ. In brief, the documentary is based on a genetic study on the ‘Shroud of Turin’ (the linen cloth that is widely believed Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped in following his crucifixion). For the first time in history a man of faith and a man of science teamed up to search for Jesus’ DNA. - Ancient Origins
So what is the big deal? Can’t we just ignore any bizarre insertion of Jesus Christ or a mythical figure that someone, somewhere adds to a ancestral line from which you or I happen to descend?
Unfortunately, no. We cannot ignore this insertion IF it happens to our family lines. Before I specifically address why, let me explain some spiritual realities. You see, we live in a tale of two agendas. Both radically and at times violently oppose each other. The kingdom of darkness, run by spiritual entities referred to in Genesis 6 and Ephesians 6, as well as various places in the Synoptic gospels, is the unseen backdrop of the cabal—deep state, a network of human puppets who knowingly or unknowingly serve the devil. Scripture refers to the devil as the prince of the power of the air, the unseen realm also called the second heaven, (God’s throne being in the third heaven according to 2 Corinthians 12:2). A sinister copycat, the enemy not only twists what is pure, good, and Truth in the sense of virtue, but twists and opposes every single one of God’s plans—including His plan for the human race. The Nephilim of Gen 6 is an example. This opposition includes using sinful men to also adjust timelines…
Aside: I am not an expert on the time-space continuum, and from time to time I try to read scientific articles to attempt to understand physics. However, if you read my previous blog post, you know what I believe about our current calendar and how it came about. So yes, the measurement of time has been adjusted and readjusted over the centuries by men who did not worship God.
Here’s the issue for you. The enemy wants to own everything that belongs to God, the earth, humanity, time, nations, even your descendants. No matter how much you may want to live a nice, serene life, you cannot. Grey areas, neutral zones are non-existent now. The cost of keeping your head in the sand could be a child or grandchild who buys in to the trans agenda in some way.
To hone in on the genealogy insertion scheme—carrying on the Jesus-Mary Magdalene/the Jesus Strand narrative—and injecting “descendants” into your genealogy will do three things for him:
create a legal claim on your family which brings unnecessary spiritual oppression and demonic attachments.
allow deception to creep into your future generations who discover these supposed connections and believe them.
empower families who do agree with this evil narrative and claim Jesus, fallen angels, or mythic figures as their ancestors to actualize global deep state events that will impact you and I, our children, and our grandchildren.
As human beings, we must choose Him and protect our lineages, cleansing our ancestral pasts and procuring, as much as we can, a blessed generational future in Jesus Christ. If you have the time, check online genealogy sites for your family lines, but if you don’t have time—and most of us do not, then pray. Ask God to release you and your family from the enemy’s lies. Use a petition prayer to cancel claims that enemy has due to ancestral sin. My bible study, Maturing Thru Prayer, teaches on each type of prayer mentioned in the Bible. I have recently discovered Bev Tucker and her prayers. Here is one that focuses on generational iniquity. I strongly encourage each of you to listen to Bev’s prayer and receive God’s loving deliverance from ancestral sin.
To end, I encourage you to talk to the younger people in your life. Help them understand how the enemy is using technologies in nefarious ways. Equip your son or daughter who choose to serve in the military with knowledge of corrupt military agendas so that they can ask God to help them discern the motives of anyone who wants to recruit them into a new training program. Encourage your youth pastor to understand and discuss with the teens the dangers of virtual reality trends and transgender trends. Pray for the young people around you and their friends. Ask the Holy Spirit to encounter them in a transformative, definitive way.
Let’s not let the enemy easily have our descendants. Our God desires blessed generations. Listen to this song. Use the lyrics as a prayer.
“May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children”
Listen here to The Blessing worship song.