If you have read my Sub Stack, Land of Vision, where I share various directives and futuristic impressions that God has given me, then you know that before the 2016 primaries, I believe God told me that He would use Donald Trump as US president. So I voted for him. (Previously, I was not a fan.) I voted for him again in 2020 because first, the alternative was too liberal for my sensibilities and second, I don’t believe God’s purpose for him was finished.
So here we are on the way to another election slated to be the “most important of our lifetime”. Is God still using Trump and if so, why and how? Is Trump credible in his conservatism and love for the Bible? Should the latter question even matter?
In case my last question startles you, as I have listened to the BEMA discipleship podcast, I have found myself evaluating various eschatological notions, understanding the limitations of our Greek-influenced lens, and, specific to this article, examining the life of God’s people during the Biblical time period and then considering if in fact, our agency as believers is really hindered when we are under a wicked government. Our mission is, as I understand it today, to proclaim the gospel* and to release the nature of His Kingdom in the earth.
*gospel = good news; more accurately defined as declaring the entry of a new king and kingdom.
In this article, I want to accomplish three points that relate to anyone’s position regarding President Trump. These points will be addressed according to the flow of thought, not this chronological order.
God’s use of types e.g. Cyrus to help His people;
What Trump cannot accomplish;
God’s purpose for Trump;
Our mission no matter who is in power or what the culture is like.
The hiccups in Israel’s faithfulness to God point to a Biblical pattern that correlates to what God is doing right now in the earth. We are witnessing a great revealing—the uncovering of stealthily camouflaged evil and the revelation of what is holy. From the continued rampant practices of sorcery and sexual sin that has dirtied humanity for centuries, to the mysteries “under the earth”, a phrase the Bible uses, to the clear reality of how our lifestyles must change to truly be “set apart” (holy) in our way of life, God’s masterful plan to make His enemies His footstool is at work before our very eyes. He will use anyone, ANYONE to do this to accomplish His plan. Even those that worship other gods. We must abandon our religious disdain for particular people that God chooses to use for His purposes. I speak this specifically to Christians that became “anti-Trumpers”. Instead of badmouthing him and others like him, let’s ask, “God, how are you using this person and I can I support You in this work?”
Quite a few Christians called Trump a type of Cyrus before the 2016 election. Were they accurate? Cyrus was the Persian king that liberated the Jews, but he was not a worshipper of the God of Israel. However, he provided the Jews the resources they needed to “rebuild the house of the Lord, the God of Israel—he is the God who is in Jerusalem.” (Ezra 1:3) As the 45th President, many were reminded of Isaiah 45: 1-7.
This is what the Lord says to Cyrus, his anointed one,
whose right hand he will empower.
Before him, mighty kings will be paralyzed with fear.
Their fortress gates will be opened,
never to shut again.
2 This is what the Lord says:
“I will go before you, Cyrus,
and level the mountains.[a]
I will smash down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
3 And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—
secret riches.
I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.
4 “And why have I called you for this work?
Why did I call you by name when you did not know me?
It is for the sake of Jacob my servant,
Israel my chosen one.
5 I am the Lord;
there is no other God.
I have equipped you for battle,
though you don’t even know me,
6 so all the world from east to west
will know there is no other God.
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7 I create the light and make the darkness.
I send good times and bad times.
I, the Lord, am the one who does these things.
God’s desire was to restore His people in their land and He “stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia”, a pagan king that worshipped idols, to help them. Maybe Trump is a type of Cyrus being used to rebuild America. From my Western evangelical-charismatic perspective the gist of the Biblical “rebuilding” of the temple in Jerusalem was to reestablish 1) His presence upon His people and 2) reestablish their primary identity as worshippers of Him alone. (The varying dynamics of His presence in the O.T. and N.T. would be another great discussion!) Does God have the same “rebuilding” desire for His church in America? Worldwide? If what God is doing here and abroad is patterned like what He did in Cyrus’ time, then we need to know how to participate with versus resist His work.
Before Spring of 2024, I had not delved into the relevance of biblical patterns except to recognize and pray against unhealthy generational patterns. However, the concept of biblical patterns relating to times and seasons in human history has been a recent source of intrigue. Along with contemplating the history of God’s people under wicked rulers, is acknowledging the origin of corruption—the strategies of the enemy that has worked through societal systems to destroy humankind. [Corporate sin is a factor too.] As a result of this study, I am convinced that God is using Trump, and has also used the cabal/globalists/deep state—whatever you want to call it—to accomplish His purposes.
[When I say “use”, I do not mean that God endorses the actions of the wicked. Rather, consider 1 Cor 2:8, None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. God knows that the wicked will not understand what He is doing, and He uses this ignorance to His advantage. [By the way, this is why military and government occultists were involved in Project Looking Glass...they were trying to figure out God’s future plans.]
For a backstory on Project Looking Glass: https://allthatsinteresting.com/montauk-project
I am challenging myself to see the Biblical precedents of God working behind the scenes, doing His version of one-upmanship and even using the wicked for His own agenda, which according to the Biblical text, is to establish a people who worship Him alone and because of their intentional unwavering worship, embody the gospel of the Kingdom at all times to all people, so that whomever will, will choose to become one of His people.
God has used sinful people before. Cyrus. Rahab. David. Solomon. Pontius Pilate. He will do it again and again.
Speaking of sinful, back to Trump. Trump’s past with women is public knowledge. His 2nd wife, Marla Maples, is quite spiritual—a practitioner of Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism which some would say is a higher level occult. In his book, The Way to the Top, published in 2004, Trump mentions his Kabbalah teacher. In the last month, I have seen articles linking Trump to the cabal. Many consider that a scheme of the enemy would be to put forth a person that can get the conservative Christian vote, but who is secretly part of the cabal. It does not help that his father came from Germany.
Are Trump’s intentions pure in God’s eyes? I don’t know. But I do know that any past, or even present sinfulness does not have to bother Christians, if they remember that God is a God of patterns. Just as He used Cyrus, the worshipper of other gods, He can be using Trump…to help us rebuild, or I would say, reestablish God’s presence in our midst, and renew our identity as His worshippers in a society of idol worshippers. Unfortunately, we can be so sensitive. We arrogantly decide what from a convert’s past disqualifies them. How many of us would easily welcome into our home a new believer that had previously killed tons of our fellow believers?
Sorry Paul.
God chooses people we would normally ignore or reject. Could Trump still be an idol worshipper? Sure. Could he have forsaken those idols and given his life to Jesus. Sure. Either way, God will use him. I cringe as I say that He has also used past US presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State as well. (Gulp) Remember, God’s rebuilding involves 1) reestablishing His presence upon His people and 2) reestablishing our primary identity as worshippers of Him alone. Using unrighteous people to get His people to return to Him is something He has done before.
Are we not repenting more than ever? Are we not acknowledging our failures with increasing humility? Like Israel of the O.T., people of God all over the earth live under the tyranny of the elite and are surrounded by corrupt practices. Molech is worshipped by the shedding of the blood of infants. Baphomet is worshipped in invite-only societies and lodges like the Lions Club and other freemasonic orders, not to forget Hollywood, which we as believers have been slow to boycott. How many believers do you know visit Disneyworld? Do you know the background of Walt Disney? Instead of being victims of the elite and societal corruption, let us look inward. The American Church is as idolatrous as unbelievers. Here is a thought-provoking video that explains how.
We have compromised like the Israelites. We have bowed to the god of convenience at the expense of time and effort. ChatGPT, Alexa, fast food…I could write a list of our compromises. The pattern of God is to re-invite His prostituting people into right relationship once we realize the filth we have embraced or allowed through complacency, fear of man, or denial. With transhumanism sprinting across the finish line, we are now getting scared. This fear of what may come is leading us into the fear of the Lord. Good.
Only Jesus is The Savior.
If you are like me, you have high hopes from a potential Trump presidency. Our ideal is for the cabal to be obliterated, which would end trafficking, put many in prison, drain and clean the US government (the swamp), end the activism of the alphabet community, and bring the principles of the Kingdom of God to every school, courtroom and boardroom.
This morning in bed, I realized that my ideal is not necessarily God’s plan. He certainly wants redemption! Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil! I could be wrong, but as of now I think the following verse means that all of creation, not just humanity, needs the bondage freeing work of redemption.
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. (Romans 8:20-21)
What dawned on me was that the Biblical text reveals patterns of seasons where God’s plans are more to do with showing His people:
How much they need Him
How unlike the other gods He is
His desire for their good demonstrated by His consistent pattern of consequences, rescue, and forgiveness
If they worship Him alone and always, His Kingdom will manifest no matter what societal evil surrounds them.
As I mentally perused the span of Scripture, remembering that God’s people often lived in conditions less than our modern ideal and had troublesome leaders, whether from the circumcision, like Saul and David, or from the Gentile world, like Nebuchadnezzar or the Roman leaders of the New Testament era, I realized that in my hopes for a Trump presidency, my motives majored in what God considers minor. As a citizen of 21st Century America, I want to be able to buy or sell a house whenever I want; go to a restaurant whenever I want, gather with friends, neighbors, and family as often as I decide, have access to clean entertainment, live in a safe neighborhood, and know for certain that supplies needed for suburban living won’t dry up. These are lovely blessings, for sure, but nothing on my list prevents me from declaring the gospel and reflecting the King.
Marty Solomon gave a wonderful definition of “gospel” which I will paraphrase to be revealing the benevolence of God to everyone at all times. This is what I caught when he said, “embodying the gospel” during a recent talk. Whether someone needs some type of healing, provision, encouragement, we, the people of God, quickly and confidently respond. This is the lifestyle that God wants us to major in. This lifestyle can happen no matter what perverse society or corrupt leader exists.
Since even a Christian leader can put their eyes on other gods and invite them into the White House (or a church), our focus need not be on how sanctified the leader behaves or speaks. Even when we practice our civil right to vote, our declaration should be:
“Win or lose, I will embody the gospel of God’s Kingdom in my behavior, my words, and my thoughts and because of this the gates of hell will not prevail.”
The focus of lifestyle blessings must be less important than eternal blessings. IF our primary desire is His—to expand His kingdom, then a lack of internet service or electrical power will not suppress the progression of His kingdom in our homes and communities unless we let it. Look at Paul, Peter, and other disciples through the centuries, on every continent, whose lifestyles were rugged or simple, but whose influence continued past their death.
Trump’s business savvy may help America economically, but he cannot bring about corporate repentance. He cannot make the people of God, us, destroy our idols, worship only Him and be holy, as He is holy.
If Trump wins, I will be sad if I hear someone say, after analyzing his first six months in office, “I am so disappointed in Trump. I wanted him to ____!” Trump is a man, not our Savior. If he wins, his supporters cannot expect of him more than what he can humanly do.
My final advice to believers is this:
Trust in God, not any human, for each of us will fail.
Pray for all leaders; the tempter dismantles society from the top down. (Think about fathers, authorities in every sphere, etc.) I believe that all leaders, including Trump, can be influenced by the lies and schemes of the enemy. But so have you and I. But again, pray for those in leadership positions.
Go about doing good. Use your mouth to bless, not curse.
Remember that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Your identity is one created in the image and likeness of God. Live in continual worship to only Him.
Lastly, in Christ, we are equipped to influence society more than society influences us. However, our manner must be of the Kingdom. Humility and benevolence will help us love the unlovely; forgiveness and mercy will help us bless those who curse us and do good to those who hate us; holiness will help us live for God, not for ourselves or the approval of man. No matter what lies ahead, may we steward the gospel in our words and deeds. This, my friends, is our lifestyle mission.