Will we ever face apocalyptic-type disaster that will disrupt our systems and level whole cities? Could a third world war be fought on the soil of the Continental US?
Since our leaders continue to promote perversion, fund corrupt governments, ignore its own citizens needs, and since so many US citizens continue to be passive, compliant, anti-God, and pro-Baphomet, what is God’s plan to deal with our nation?
I am studying what the Bible teaches about how God deals with nations (corporate sin) and people (individual sin). Although yes, a nation is made up of individuals who can confess and repent of their sins and be forgiven, but as you will see in the verses below, if the majority of a people in a land are not repentant, then a corporate consequence occurs. I do believe the Bible gives evidence that the faithful will be miraculously protected in the day of calamity.
Since 2012 I have received two visions that would make some Baptists and Catholics roll their eyes and some Pentecostals call for a Day of Repentance and Prayer. A large portion of the first group are Cessationists, meaning they believe that the revelatory gifts of 2 Cor 14 are no longer given by the Holy Spirit to believers. Visions and dream would be in this category. On the other hand, I have heard intercessors from a more Pentecostal background (who believe in continuationism) say that the reason we have not experienced war on our soil since the Civil War is that times of repentance from enough believers have released God’s hand of protection against the devil or abated His judgment. Although I align with the latter group as far as the continued relevance of 2 Cor. 14, I now wonder if this explanation—repentance halts destruction—is reasonable. Wouldn’t this reasoning imply that modern-day Serbia and Iraq or France in 1939 did not have enough Christians repenting for the sins of the land to keep them unscathed? Genesis 18:32 suggests that Sodom had less than ten righteous. How much do the numbers of the repentant matter?
Maybe these intercessors are correct and God has heard our prayers and relented but “Houston: we have a problem”—the moral fabric in the US continues to deteriorate, even in the Church.
While I am not suggesting that these visions (I will share one here) are literal, even a symbolic interpretation should make us soberly pause and consider the ramifications of corporate sin in a region or nation as displayed in Scripture.
When I ponder the visible devastation of corporate sin, I think of events like the Flood and the devastation of Jerusalem after the Babylonian siege. These moments in human history teach us that corporate sin has resulted in harsh consequences. Before I share the vision or “scene” I had this past summer about college and university campuses, I want to first briefly describe the various ways God dealt with sin, corporate and individual; then move to a brief scriptural explanation of “visions”. After this short skip through the Bible I will share the vision, some informative and appalling links
Call to Repent, or else! - Nineveh, Israelites
Nimrod built Nineveh, a pagan city in Assyria known for many types of wickedness. After Jonah finally obeyed and preached to the residents, the Ninevites repented, the king as well, and “God relented concerning the judgment he had threatened them with and he did not destroy them” (Jonah 3:10, NET).
Jeremiah 3 is one of the many examples of God’s prophets calling out the Hebrews for their sin, and showing them that His mercy supersedes the consequences they deserve.
“‘Return, faithless Israel,
declares the Lord.
I will not look on you in anger,
for I am merciful,
declares the Lord;
I will not be angry forever.
13 Only acknowledge your guilt,
that you rebelled against the Lord your God
and scattered your favors among foreigners under every green tree,
and that you have not obeyed my voice,
declares the Lord.
We also find examples of geopolitical regions being totally destroyed as a result of the sinful state of its residents. Usually these regions were pagan, however God allowed his people to be taken captive in three “deportations” and his holy city, Jerusalem, to be destroyed in 586 BC. In 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed and its residents killed or sent away as slaves.
Total destruction - The Flood, Jerusalem in 586 BC and 70 AD, Germany in WW2.
The fall of Jerusalem was also accompanied by significant loss of life. Josephus provides an account of the carnage, stating that the Romans killed many of the city's inhabitants…Those who were not killed were taken as slaves, with many sent to the mines of Egypt or sold in slave markets. The city of Jerusalem was thoroughly sacked by the Romans. Buildings, homes, and walls were torn down, leaving the city in ruins. The level of devastation was such that Josephus claimed that those who visited the city after its destruction could scarcely believe it had ever been inhabited. https://www.historyskills.com/classroom/ancient-history/siege-of-jerusalem-ad-70/
America has experienced decades of God’s mercy, but I am concerned that Americans, like the citizens of Jerusalem and the peoples of the pre-Flood world, may experience some level of devastation in the near future.
Individual sin - you, me, and the legalities of the Cross
In Culture Changers, I explain that sin brings death-inducing processes: the slow deterioration or corruption of relationships, the hardening of our consciences, and degeneracy in any part of our lifestyles. These consequences are experienced at various degrees and we know that even when we repent, a consequence may still occur although the sin is forgiven.
How is that sin forgiven? Jesus paid our penalty on the Cross. Romans 10:9-10 is the required prescription for appropriation to occur and us to be born again. In the eyes of the Most High, after we have audibly communicated our heartfelt belief in Jesus and His message of salvation, we are no longer identified as sinners, but the redeemed. Yes, as the redeemed, we can sin, however sin no longer has power over us, rather we, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, have power over it. (Romans 8)
So how do we reconcile the consequences of corporate sin or national sin with the certainty of forgiveness for our individual sins? This will be an area of study for me for awhile, but at this point I believe that if destruction is coming, then God would have the repentant build and maintain a type of “ark” which will protect us from the flood of punishment targeted at the unrepentant. (In another article, I will write what this “ark” might be.”)
Visions: Any one of you can do a word study on this, but I will simply say that both the OT and the NT reference God communicating to people through images that He puts in their minds. These images, fixed or like a motion picture, are called visions or dreams in the Bible. Daniel records many of the things he “saw”.
It is important to discern if any vision or dream is truly from God. Jeremiah 23:16 and Hebrews 5:11-14 instructs that it is our responsibility to mature in a community of believers, who “have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” So I humbly submit this vision to you to discern. I will also offer not just a literal interpretation, but a symbolic one as well.
The vision I had in July 2023 was really a series of snapshots. From the skies over the East coast I saw areas where pieces of concrete— large and small—and ashes covered the ground as if the area had been hit by bombs. I realized these sites had been college and university campuses. Pennsylvania, Virginia. Every small and large campus across the country was gone. That is what I saw.
A literal interpretation is obvious. Enemies, foreign or domestic, wreak havoc and bring destruction at an unimaginable scale to certain areas across the nation.
This literal interpretation is why I asked at the beginning of this post: Will we ever face apocalyptic-type disaster that will disrupt our systems and level whole cities? Would a third world war touch the soil of the Continental US?
As Christians, we know that God wants to tear down evil strongholds and the altars of false gods. US colleges and universities currently fit the bill.
When I consider what else this vision could mean, or why God might allow that level of devastation to campuses nationwide, a symbolic interpretation comes to mind. Institutions of higher learning have become strongholds of the enemy, high places of idolatry and he wants to figuratively tear them down and replace them with His way of training and preparing people for their destined vocations.
Q. Why would God allow an end of higher learning as we know it?
A. Colleges and universities have become citadels of ungodly ideologies, idol worship, debauchery, and pride. These institutions have become evil bedfellows with political and global powers that seek to develop the human mind in ungodly ways for demonic purposes. Corruption is rampant as money is poured into institutions of higher learning who comply with demonic plans (medical and research, etc.)
If you read my first post, then you know that one of my goals on Substack is to inform. Therefore, here is a bit of research to demonstrate how these institutions have agreed with wickedness:
Gender confirmation surgery: UVA, University of Kansas, Johns Hopkins, Univ of Georgia
Organ harvesting and Fetal research: UPitt
Require C19 Vaccine in Fall 2023 - Various Mentions
Bioweapon research: UNC
World Economic Forum Influence - WEF Vision for higher education, Multiple Ivy League schools, Other Institutions - US and abroad
China-linked endowments: Harvard, Yale, etc
“Mutation” of Marxist/Woke Ideology: US universities, Various Mentions
Trafficking on campuses
Freemasonry and Greek life - History on US campuses
Secret Societies - UVA, UNC, College of William and Mary, Yale
Remote Viewing/Psychic Learning - UVA College of Medicine, UNLV
Metaphysics/Stargate - US Davis, Univ. of Oregon/Military, Columbia University/Military, University of Sedona
These institutions have become evil bedfellows with political and global powers that seek to develop the human mind in ungodly ways for demonic purposes.
Those of you who have read Culture Changers know that I believe in triune health, that is the optimal function of our spirit, soul, and physical body. However, these functions must correspond with the design and intent of our Creator, the Most High God. Anything else results in levels of spiritual oppression, emotional (and mental) infirmity, and physical harm. The topics in the list above are not exhaustive, but help us understand the gods of many campuses. I do not believe the Lord is pleased that generations of those created in His image and likeness are moving through these institutions as sheep in the devil’s slaughtering house.
I leave you with a few questions for you to contemplate and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
What is God’s desire for post-secondary learning and academic specialization? Can you find evidence in the Bible?
If WW3 came to our shores and campuses were literally destroyed, how would that change K-12 education and our economy and careers?
Without colleges to attend, what would our young adults do with their lives?
Have these institutions shifted from their original purposes? Are they too large and too powerful?
The list goes on. Maybe God gave me the vision to get you and me thinking about His ideas for higher education.