I’m a bit nervous. According to Project Looking Glass, the victims, oh I mean, the “seers” were not able to view into the year 2024 (Time stamp 2:28-3:32). In this final piece of 2023, I would like to share content that may point to events—exciting and difficult—in the next segment of the divine timetable. Some of this content will excite many of you, as I share how mightily God is moving in the earth right now. Others of you will take to heart the spiritual preparation that I believe God is urging believers to begin asap. Hopefully all of you will consider digging deeper into most of the links that I share, so that you are aware and can inform others who need to know.
Revival, Deliverance, and a Consecrated Lifestyle!
First, I will begin with the most thrilling information. God is on the move through His people and for all people! If you did not catch the movie: Domino Revival in theatres, please, please please go on the website and signup to be notified when it is available for streaming. These are events that mainstream media will NOT broadcast. This movie is one that is getting it’s fair share of criticism—of course. But I saw the movie. I saw the people in the theatre who were moved by the message, stayed seated in their seats, praying even as the credits began to roll. With my friend Sandi, I prayed for a college student who was a believer, but asked for prayer to help his peers fall in love with Jesus. Jesus, salvation, and healing is being talked about publically, and that is something that should make us thankful! A somewhat related documentary, Come Out in Jesus’ Name astonished box office trackers by coming in at No. 5 in March of 2023. The topic of deliverance/exorcism is front and center, with scenes of men and women being set free from demonic oppression. Unfortunately, as common as this topic is in the New Testament, most churches in the USA shy away from it.
Come Out in Jesus Name" first debuted in theaters nationwide in March and shows the deliverance ministry work of Pastors Greg Locke and Alexander Pagani, YouTube preacher Isaiah Saldivar, Pastor Mike Signorelli, Vladimir Savchuck and Daniel Adams.
These believers remind us that everywhere Jesus went, the power of God was displayed and many young people are looking for power. The enemy will lure them into his power, so the Church must begin to demonstrate the power of our Holy God. People are becoming more and more bound by doctrines of devils like the Gender Transformation agenda to the trendiness of witchcraft. None of us imagined the rapid deterioration of culture. Could this be the “climate change” that Davos devotees refer to—a change from a climate of freedom and Absolute Truth to enslavement and utter darkness? At this rate, whether we are in the Biblical End Times or not, we, as born again followers of Jesus, the Lamb of God, must up our intercession, up our fasting, up our boldness, and choose today, to do whatever it takes to live a holy and blameless life before God. People need to encounter Jesus through our voices, our hands, and our manner now! Literally, their lives depend on our complete surrender to the assignments that God has given each of us.
Rod Dreher wrote a fantastic must-read Substack recently about AI and dark spiritual connections that confirms what many of us have wondered: artificial intelligence is not artificial, it is non-human, fallen entity based intelligence. Dreher summarizes:
What struck me about all this is an interview I did last year with a former occultist who claimed that these higher entities — to him, demons, which he worshiped for years — disclosed that they intend to merge humanity with machines as a precursor to humanity’s destruction. I did not know what he could be talking about. Now I do. He’s talking about a kind of spirit possession achieved through AI.
This NIH article cites pros and cons of transhumanism, a topic related to interfacing technology with human beings.
Against the more moderate transhumanists, who see transhumanism as an opportunity to enhance the general quality of life for humans, it is nevertheless true that their position presupposes some conception of the good. What kind of traits is best engineered into humans: disease resistance or parabolic hearing? And unsurprisingly, transhumanists disagree about precisely what “objective goods” to select for installation into humans or posthumans.
Another Substacker, whom I found while doing research for this post, explains transhumanism:
Transhumanism is anti-natural, in that it does not recognize an innate intelligence in nature, the body, or the cosmos, but seeks rather to impose human intelligence onto a world it believes has none. Everything can be improved through human design (and ultimately, human-created AI design). Yet, confusingly, many transhumanists deploy ecological arguments in their futuristic visions. We will reduce our numbers and absent ourselves from nature, leaving the planet to rewild itself as we retreat into bubble cities and the Metaverse, subsisting off robotified vertical farms, precision fermentation factories, animal cell culture meat, and artificial milk (“Mylk”).
Some conspiracy theorists point out that some prominent advocates of transhumanist technologies also advocate eugenics or population control policies. The connection is quite logical and needn’t imply monstrous evil. If robots and AI can replace human labor in more and more domains, then we need fewer and fewer humans. This, they believe, will have the added benefit of lessening the burden of humanity on the planet. The same engineering mindset that “improves” the body and brain translates naturally into optimizing society, the genome, and the earth.
Distorting those created in the image and likeness of God is a strategy from the bowels of hell, and these unseen entities—fallen angels of old and the spirit-demons of their Nephilim children—are not ignorant of how to use technology to help with the distorting.
We must face the facts, demonic oppression will increase. Demonic possession is on as human beings give their wills over to the metaverse. Caleb Jade (not his real name), a former soldier who was radically saved ten years ago as he read the Bible, comments on the relationship between “AI” and unseen malevolent entities. Jade’s expertise comes from generational gifts that were enhanced by white suited researchers at his elementary school that taught him forms of magic, abused him regularly, and pushed him through what he calls the Gateway program, which led him into the military.
I found a list of “Gateway Schools”. Not sure if these are related to the Gateway program, but after perusing some of the names, there is certainly a chance.
Oh my! I deviated from the track of sharing the wonderful news that many, many people around the world are being impacted by the Spirit of God, so let me share one more source, one that has been life changing for me. Following this section, I will add a list of other links and descriptions of why I believe the contained information is important as we enter a new chapter in our lives.
Recently, I talked about James Kawalya, whose testimony receiving over 2 million views in 10 days on YouTube. PrayerStormTV did a follow-up interview with him and it is AWESOME. If you really want to pursue Jesus like never before, if you recognize that your conscience does not respond to some things the way God would, if your prayer life ebbs more than it flows, then watch this video as well as videos on Kawalya’s channel. We know from the Bible, that at times, God uses men and women to turn the tide of a nation. Think of Moses, David, Esther, Deborah, Paul and Peter. James’ testimony—he was a highly ranked satanist in the kingdom of darkness— declares the power of God. By snatching him out of that inherited bondage, using people to disciple him for decades, and finally causing millions (now 5.3 million views) to listen to his testimony, God is telling human beings (and principalities and powers) that His power and authority supersede that of the wicked. This is a reality we must recite daily in the face of utter debauchery. We will see more wickedness, BUT GOD. We must understand and be secure and convinced in the “but God” in and through us, His Body.
Watching the movies and listening to the testimony and sermons has brought about my own personal revival. God has turned my head to see some blind spots and helped me repent of ungodly attitudes and not enough personal time in prayer. As a result, now I spend anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours in prayer before I fall asleep. My old habit was scrolling on my phone or listening to a YouTube video to decompress. No more.
I’ll begin my close with two cases and cultural collisions that we need to keep our eyes on. The forces of darkness want to continue working behind the scenes. Let’s pray for whistleblowers and others who align with God who wants to expose evil and set captives free.
RICO case - Jessie is a chaplain born into an Illuminati bloodline. Despite the Luciferian trajectory that was set into place before she was born, a Sunday school teacher introduced her to Jesus at a very young age and she was born again. If you are familiar with her tragic and red-pilling testimony, then you know that God helped her endure until she was able to leave that dark life at age ten. A mom of 6 (one was tragically killed a few years ago), Jessie is a welcoming Bible study teacher and prayer minister, whose affidavit seems to be stirring the dark forces that want to stay hidden. This link gives a brief overview of years of “tidbit” reporting that has been hard for me to follow at times, but includes some brow-raising names and places. If you look her up, I will guarantee that you will find people and sites that consider her a con artist. However, I have vetted her for over a year, and I believe that God is mightily using her. In fact, I have met her. Over a year ago, I booked an online group coaching call with Jessie that trained a group of local intercessors how to pray for our city more strategically. She is a gracious woman of God.
Alliance Defending Freedom - Case against Albemarle County Schools for including CRT-focused curriculum. Pray for these families. Making a stand like this evokes public anger and personal stress.
Taylor Swift’s indoctrination of young girls into witchcraft needs to be on the radar of every parent that allows their children to pay attention to pop culture and secular music. Her concerts and videos incorporate rituals that do affect those watching. Being “spell bound” is a real thing and most people have no idea, in fact according to this 2022 NBC article, pagan beliefs and witchcraft is on the rise:
Online platforms like TikTok and Instagram offer tutorials on every aspect of magical practice. The witchcraft hashtag has over 7 million posts on Instagram and more than 11 billion views on TikTok or, as it’s known in the community, WitchTok. Podcasts about witchcraft enchant the airwaves. Along with crosses and Stars of David, major retailers like Walmart and Amazon sell the witchcraft symbol of the pentacle, pendulum divining tools and dried herbs for spells and rituals. The use of Tarot cards proliferates in lux magazines.
As believers, we need to understand that evil power is real and the enemy seeks to bind us to his works every way possible. The Blood of Jesus atones for our sin, but the Bible still warns us to “give no place” to the devil. Parents, please teach your children what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare and that being in the world but not of the world involves making bold, and often difficult decisions in terms of our lifestyles. (1 Jn 2:15; Jn 17:16, Eph 5:11). We must be aware and not participate in what may be trendy and innocent. By the way, I am not familiar with Isaiah Robin, the commentator of the embedded Taylor Swift video, but he 1) is born again, 2) speaks plainly about this evil, and 3) mentions other good information about the deceit of the entertainment industry and the fact that children and teens are the prey.
More on Project Looking Glass from Jessie Czebotar’s experience.
Loss of Cabal Researcher - Janet researched not only crimes against humanity, but the archeological and historical trek and influence of various bloodlines. Apparently, although she admitted that she would never commit suicide, authorities say she did. Both parts of the documentary that she and fellow ? produced, give a thoughtful and comprehensive overview of the relationship between evil we see in the natural from “woke” culture to vaccines, shadow governments to pop culture and touch on the spiritual darkness behind it all.
I believe that we are facing a new epoch in God’s timeline. We need more courage than ever, more reverence for God than ever, more times of prayer and worship by ourselves and definitely with others. We must ask God to show us any area of our life that we have not surrendered to Him. Dealing with legal rights (open doors) that demons have because of bloodline sin is a must. We can confess the practices and actions we know likely occurred in our lineages, the ungodly beliefs that our ancestors on various continents likely had, renounce them and ask God to cleanse our DNA from the stain of inherited idolatry. It is time to step up our holiness. There is no more time to wait.
I leave you with the sentiments at the end of the Book of Jude:
A Call to Persevere
17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.
20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.[f]
24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.